Call for Submissions

The Frugal Poet: Recipes and Poems for Lean Times, a collection of recipes and poems with a theme of frugal living during lean or tough economic times, will be released in Kindle digital e-book format during the latter part of 2012 or early 2013. Please send one tried and true family recipe, a main dish, side dish, appetizer, dessert, drink or snack and an accompanying poem. Emphasis will be given to recipes that have been in your family for generations. Please do not copy and paste a recipe from the Internet unless, of course, you have published your recipe elsewhere online. Consideration will be given to recipes that have been modified with ingredients or seasonings to make them your own. The editors will consider all poetic forms, including free verse, haiku, tanka, prose poem etc. We would like a good mix of diverse voices and styles.

Why Kindle format? The Kindle software is freely available to people who have PCs and Macs. Purchasing a Kindle is unnecessary. E-book format is cheaper to produce, thus lowering the cost for contributors who would like to purchase the book.

Please submit your poem and recipe, including a summary about the recipe (its history, what it means to you) and a brief bio to the appropriate editor:

Susan Nelson Myers ( is the editor for main dishes, desserts, snacks

Curtis Dunlap ( is the editor for side dishes, appetizers, drinks

Paste your recipe and poem in the body of an email. No attachments please. We look forward to trying your recipes and reading your poems!

The last date to submit is October 31, 2012.

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